Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So, as previously mentioned, the rooster (lovingly referred to as Stockpot) got eaten.

Now, one might ask, "How could you do that?!"

Well, it comes down to this. I had two options: 1) get attacked nearly every time I needed to take care of the chickens  or 2) have a delicious meal made from food that was grown safely and lovingly. Now ask yourself, what sounds like the better choice to you?

So, we butchered our first animal. Okay, well, maybe we didn't butcher him, but a very kind amish (or possibly menonite) family prepped our bird for a small fee. Much easier than getting everything set up ourselves for just one measly little bird (trust me, I've done 10-15 myself before).

Out of this whole experience came: 

(our take on a traditional family meal of Chicken Paprikas, pronounced pah-prih-kahsh)

We even made the dumplings with our fresh hen eggs. The rooster and his hens were reunited for one last time!